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Action kératolytique qui traite les plaques épaisses et réduit les squames. L’exopolysaccharide marin est issu d’une algue rouge bretonne, actif reconnu favorisant la réduction de la desquamation et hydrate la peau*. *Mammone, T.; Gan, D.; Fthenakis, C.; Marenus, K. The Effect of N-Acetyl-Glucosamine on Stratum Corneum Desquamation and Water Content in Human Skin. J. Cosmet. Sci. 2009, 60, 423–428.
Beurre de karité et huile de caméline : soulagent et protègent la peau

-27% of dander (1)
-23% redness (1)
Plaque improvement (PSI total score) (1)
Patients found that its film-forming texture was easy to apply (2)
(1) Multicenter clinical investigation (center 1 inactive), randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled on 30 patients with 2 psoriasis plaques (≈ 20 cm², spaced at least 15cm apart), in two separate phases with application of XERIAL DM Psoriasis or placebo twice a day on psoriasis plaques for 30 days for phase 1 and for 28 days for phase 2 separated by a treatment based on calcipotriol and betametasone (a topical corticosteroid). Clinical evaluation report dated 09/11/2021 no. 03-DM-2018 – no. ID-RCB 2018-A03297-48. Evaluation of the PSI total score and the desquamation and roughness subscores at 14 and 30 days (phase 1): PSI: n=30, mean (D0) = 7.50±1.22, mean (D14)=6.10 ±1.75 (p <0.001); Diff. significant vs placebo; Desquamation n=30, mean (D0) = 2.57±0.61, mean (D14): 1.87±0.90 (p <0.001), diff. significant vs placebo; Redness n=30, mean (D0) = 2.60±0.50, mean (D30): 2.00±0.79 (p <0.001), diff. significant vs placebo. Tolerability results: 42.4% of patients experienced a total of 24 adverse reactions of mild to moderate intensity, including 13 possibly linked to the study products: 9 linked to XERIAL DM PSORIASIS and 4 to PLACEBO. These effects are as follows: tingling (9%), itching (15%) and burning sensation (3%). All related AEs were local and resolved before study completion.
(2) Multicenter clinical investigation (center 1 inactive), randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled on 30 patients with 2 psoriasis plaques (≈ 20 cm², spaced at least 15cm apart), in two separate phases with application of XERIAL DM Psoriasis or placebo twice a day on psoriasis plaques for 30 days for phase 1 and for 28 days for phase 2 separated by a treatment based on calcipotriol and betametasone (a topical corticosteroid). Clinical evaluation report dated 09/11/2021 no. 03-DM-2018 – no. ID-RCB 2018-A03297-48. Self-assessment at 7 days (phase 2).

En savoir + sur Xerial
Xerial s’occupe des peaux sèches et squameuses à tendance psoriasique, pieds secs et callosités. Toutes ces problématiques de peaux sont liées à une hyperkeratinisation : votre peau va trop vite et fabrique trop de cellules. Les couches de peaux s’accumulent et forment des plaques, des bouchons (kératoses pilaires) et de la corne. Xerial lisse et limite la prolifération des kératinocytes grâce à des formules très concentrées en urée, de 5% à 50% selon la problématique de peau. Convient aux peaux sensibles.